

Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. (wikipedia)
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Overwatch clips from reddit

I was looking through old clips and found the best c9 of all time
byu/Cosmicpillow inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

I heard we were sharing our ridiculous Lucio Illios lighthouse stalls
byu/Wolf5090 inOverwatch

"Junkrat rains from above!"
by inOverwatch

Failed self destruct but I booped Lรบcio
byu/jesscr58 inOverwatch

When Ana's had enough. A preview of "ANA IS LUCILLE", my next "Wrath of" SFM animation! ๐Ÿ˜€
byu/Revolution72 inOverwatch

trickshot shatter 3k ๐Ÿ™‚
byu/AhwellRip374 inOverwatch

Symmetra ult saved my life
byu/DangleBopp inOverwatch

Rein player decided it was time to go in, so he did.
byu/Kaljakori inOverwatch

Just a mashup of my highlights from last weekend…REINHARDT WEEKEND!! Hope y'all enjoy๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช
byu/Ghost718x inOverwatch

A backcap that I really should not have gotten
by inOverwatch

Rein says hello
byu/TheHippoReturns inOverwatch

This stall was longer than it needed to be.
byu/thefinalwrench inOverwatch

That's a lot of ultimates for one fight ๐Ÿ˜‚
byu/FelineXJunkie inOverwatch

Poor ball, betrayed by his own teammate ๐Ÿ™
by inOverwatch

My first 6 kill, thanks Zarya!
by inOverwatch

I guess all I did was press Q but I thought the combo into 7K was nice
byu/AlexMRN0056 inOverwatch

kinda snazzy deflect + 3k
byu/OWJaeger inOverwatch

Ana clip from Ana paintball game mode(includes 180 sleep)
byu/Baljeet-oranges69 inOverwatch

Quite cool potg i would say
by inOverwatch

Backcap and Play ๐Ÿ˜œ
byu/Mutter_Ashe inOverwatch

Awesome POTG I got today
byu/The-Kryomancer inOverwatch

Made it into the objective the very last second. Reaper 5k
byu/Sokui inOverwatch

Payload is always safe
byu/Flare80 inOverwatch

Sneaky Pharah Triple Kill Ult
byu/babybopper inOverwatch

Couldn't die if I wanted to
byu/_Gallus inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

I got trapped and then flew?
byu/livetodie918 inOverwatch

Was waiting for an opportunity to do this all match
byu/Cafune21 inOverwatch

Did I do good?
byu/OrochiLightSpammer inOverwatch

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by inOverwatch

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by inOverwatch

Playing Reinhardt with good supports is always fun
byu/imjustjun inOverwatch

Idk why these 5k Rein highlights are so satisfying!
byu/Kidder_Family1 inOverwatch

2 tanks vs mine zoned .75 boop
by inOverwatch

Average Guy Heroics
byu/Jamalisms inOverwatch

nearly got a team kill for the first time, at least i got a POTG tho.
by inOverwatch

His people needed him, I guess!
by inOverwatch

I promise I wasnโ€™t trying to hurt the Lucio feelings
byu/thefinalwrench inOverwatch

Very proud of my Ana entry frags on 3v3
byu/romm22 inOverwatch

Iโ€™ve been playing for over 4 years and this is the first time Iโ€™ve actually encountered a glitch (info in comments)
by inOverwatch

In case anyone lost their mind and thought it was time to reintroduce Paris.
byu/LSC_13 inOverwatch

Lucky Hanzo shutdown while liftin'
byu/echobeta12 inOverwatch

This enemy genji kept trying to solo blade right after my blade, and the effort was definitely there
by inOverwatch

Whole lobby decided to take Mercy. As a noob I was proud of myself
byu/OriDoubleU inOverwatch

An Overwatch cinematic edit (song: Smile – Mikky Ekko)
by inOverwatch

Hyped about OW2! Had an exciting Pharah 5K pop-off moment thanks to an insane solo queue mid-Diamond Mercy
byu/Daunt_OW inOverwatch

pharahmercy saves the objective ๐Ÿ™‚
byu/RevenantJade inOverwatch

a new Junkrat montage made by my good friend Caipirinha I really liked it so I thought id leave this here give it a watch if you can! ๐Ÿ™‚ watch more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7kDnLFYWys
by inOverwatch

This doesn't always work, but when it does, it replaces 4-man POTG
byu/thezigmis inOverwatch

That melee finisher on D.Va felt so clean.
byu/bboardwell inOverwatch

Thank you, Baptiste, for using your Amplification Matrix so that I, Soldier 76, could get 6 eliminations thus securing me a 6K on Eichenwalde.
byu/Juan_Bollock inOverwatch

They switched off Pharah after this ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
byu/magnum_OLB inOverwatch

"Unbelievable." – The Best Voice Line in the Game
byu/Awesomeblaze56 inOverwatch

Smooth finish to an elimination round
byu/flamingfungi inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

Spin to Win!
byu/KrnyZak inOverwatch

Big brain play
byu/PoorMansBeach inOverwatch

I might be bad but when is the last time you can say you did this
byu/High-Sky-Flying inOverwatch

5 man Sig ult
byu/ashe_from_overwatch inOverwatch

This is the most disrespectful thing I have convinced my team to do in a comp match
byu/xviNEXUSivx inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

When the game places you in silver Dps
byu/backjox inOverwatch

Watch my health and not me missing my shots
byu/__Meme_Machine__ inOverwatch

When Sigma changes to Hammond mid-fight (excuse the poor gameplay, I was dying of laughter with a friend)
byu/ArcticKev inOverwatch

Hanzoโ€™s hero music
byu/JunkratGod_420 inOverwatch

Ever wondered what those hands can do? This apparently! Glitch found in Deathmatch
byu/Tommye63 inOverwatch

Walking the payload for lunch
byu/monkish2002 inOverwatch

The coveted Winston Eichenwalde Boops. POG
byu/HookieDookie- inOverwatch

mccree: "my team was throwing"/ internet: "stop blaming the team, it is not possible for the whole team to be throwing"/ the team:
by inOverwatch

Letโ€™s see whatโ€™s behind ice wall number 3!
byu/Beercorn1 inOverwatch

So there's this interesting ledge on the wall of junkertown…
byu/nddragoon inOverwatch

Sorry Dva, this a no fly zone
byu/TheChosenSpacePope inOverwatch

Tag team buzzer beater
byu/Hadooken2019 inOverwatch

wtf was that pin
byu/augustin11694 inOverwatch

Couldnโ€™t have made that save any closer.
byu/bboardwell inOverwatch

Uhm yeah so maybe dont follow Orisa's to ledges?
byu/ActuallyErik inOverwatch

Never underestimate a sym
byu/bakedbeans5656 inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

My best and first play in the bounty hunter game mode
byu/Slubzy inOverwatch

Decided to play as Hog today and got those 2 nice POTGs
byu/Zephyr1884 inOverwatch

Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands
byu/TheZealousWatcher inOverwatch

Sneaky hamster stall (the classic skin blends in nicely)
byu/Tiger_OW inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

Lucios only want one thing
byu/pm_me_poms inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

Bastion was shredding us and I think I managed to save the round
byu/Caliluv626 inOverwatch

Not an exceptional play of the game, but Iโ€™m a support main and this was enough to win us the fight.
by inOverwatch

I'm relatively new to OW, but managed to save the end of this game for my team. I know it ain't much, but I'm pretty proud.
by inOverwatch

Not a huge play, but I finally broke my streak of constant 3ks recently and got a 4k with Mei
by inOverwatch

Flanking Rein with Top Rope Shatter
byu/StupidSexyHagrid inOverwatch

no one bullies my pharah ๐Ÿ™‚
byu/RevenantJade inOverwatch

smooth team play
byu/pastaofpastdesire inOverwatch

I thought I whiffed my Doomfist ult. Got a high-skill kill on Sombra instead.
by inOverwatch

Getting 5K as Genji (Sorry for the audio quality)
byu/Kiz_4 inOverwatch

Its not over till its over
byu/SLAYERone1 inOverwatch

Slept a Sombra, and my Bastion got rid of her with the best way possible. I was laughing so hard. XD
byu/DinoDracko inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

The fact that I actually landed this sleep dart blows my mind.
byu/Beercorn1 inOverwatch

He died shortly after ๐Ÿ˜”
by inOverwatch

i got back since half year brake and im proud of this play
byu/fasolaczek00 inOverwatch

Sorry the Role Que bar is in the way but hereโ€™s my Genji 3k
byu/That_oneFella inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

I almost jump into the well while my dead teammate is spectating me
byu/Faranocks inOverwatch

The phatest pulse bomb I've ever gotten
byu/MrScreamerVocals inOverwatch

[deleted by user]
by inOverwatch

byu/TheZealousWatcher inOverwatch

Sigma/Mccree ultimate Combo
by inOverwatch

Good old Sombra back cap never gets old, am I right?
byu/Purenegativity0 inOverwatch

Na, No Blade (Reinhardt Highlight)
byu/Ready_Hamster inOverwatch

cleaning up with echo, business as usual – nothing too special
by inOverwatch

Dodging a Shatter is always nice…
by inOverwatch

Genji 6K off of Zarya ult deflect
byu/Negronima_Duwang inOverwatch

Baptiste wanted the easy way out, but I didn't let him
by inOverwatch

I am not good at Genji at all so this is by far the best play I've ever done as this character ๐Ÿ˜‚
by inOverwatch

The Workshop is ran by only a couple of Developers inside Blizzard. For Blizzcon, over 100 workshop creators across the world came together to share a message of gratitude towards them. Thank you Zach & Dan.
byu/andygmb inOverwatch

Ball Montage: Don't Stop Me Now V2
byu/Immortalbob inOverwatch

Having some fun on widow with 150 ping ๐Ÿ˜…
byu/imsuchanerdsorry inOverwatch

Somehow I didnโ€™t die ๐Ÿ˜€
by inOverwatch

Up and Over with the tire
byu/JunkratGod_420 inOverwatch

New OW Update: self-pushing payload?
byu/Arti_Chokes inOverwatch

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