Fortnite New Trending Gameplay Videos
killed nickmercs with the New snowball item in fortnite (with reaction) from FortNiteBR
Testing 1 2 3 from FortNiteBR
Excited for tomorrow’s event? Here, and a few extra seconds of hype! (W.I.P Fortnite x Starwars) @CkayCinematic from FortNiteBR
Sound testing at Risky Reels. "We are good to go" from FortNiteBR
Okay, so, context: this guy and I landed on the same chimney. He opened the chest, but the gun fell off. So, he only had a harpoon gun. And then the actual clip happened. from FortNiteBR
Ball is life from FortNiteBR
If You Throw a Snowball From the Top of Steamy Stacks, You Die from FortNiteBR
TIP: You can instantly break the ice cube with the present from FortNiteBR
Everytime I check the shop my character is randomly dancing orange justice 😂 from FortNiteBR