
Some mf kicked a ball a fire sprinkler and flooded the gym in my school so my school has no gym until may :/ (from r/teenagers, not my school)

This cereal uses sugar crystals for flavor, guess who got the bottom of the bag and had to eat sugar for breakfast…

My floor tiles just inflated and cracked due to cold weather coupled with the dryer releasing heat

I like to keep the window a bit open to hear my surrounding. A bird saw target practice and splashed me on the face and shoulder

Happy Sunday

Ordered covers for my couch but turns out the company uses cm instead of in

My rice dinner

he just wanted to make a copy

San Antonio Botanical Garden Cactus aren’t doing so hot after the freeze last month

Just got these AirPods a few weeks ago… one fell out and in the oven tonight and I couldn’t get it out fast enough. it’s not working at all anymore smh

My young daughter wanted to change the game in the Wii U. She told me after, it’s not too bad, maybe we can tape it.

This is my school computer. I quit.

The roof in our laundry fell after 2 days of straight rain and strong winds

So this happened this afternoon… the oven has been heating super high from the top element, someone turned it on accidentally(quite easy to do with the sensor touch pad) found this.. side note: apparently it’s oven safe too!

The real threat of humankind’s downfall … ants in the power supply.

Bought a bag of flour last night. Came downstairs to find my dog decided to get it out of the pantry and drag it through 2 rooms to the living room.

That time my son dropped his Kindle Fire on the way out of the doctor’s office

Bought this lampshade to keep my dog from licking her leg.

Just cleaned them too 🙁

I pressure washed my patio after 8 years today. I don’t even have kids.

I just replaced my switch cable last month, are you serious cat??

Poor straw.

After two months of work missing one piece.

Mom was making her homemade chilli for me and my wife when the slowcooker pot broke

Not sure what I did to piss the birds off today but……

I just wanted to make a sandwitch…

Long hot day at work, and get home and make a frozen sausage sandwich. New glass plate cracks in multiple places, centered under my hot sandwich. I still ate it.

When the dealership puts your tires back on.

New glass table after a wind storm

999 Piece puzzle apparently

Pheasant said hello to my car at 70mph

The U in Bar Louie fell off, it is now Bar Lo ie

This post from r/mildlyinteresting feels like it belongs here.

A hot, fresh lasagne in my favourite dish.

I’ll just head back to bed

First time letting my 11mo pup sleep on his own outside of his crate. Walk down to this

When i’m eating a good sweet my teeth falls. Goodbye 50$ of candy…


The beat i’ve been working on for around 4 hours crashed and I forgot to save literally EVERYTHING

Ran out of mugs, used a wine glass to look fancy while drinking almond milk, pulled at the laptop charger cable, tipped the cup over.

I just wanted to cut my nails

My dog chewed up my Apple Pencil a month after my 2-year apple care coverage ended.

Keep dry, left in a puddle in the rain, this side up, wrong side up…jee

Someone is going to have a rough day…

When your 3-year old decides to play darts with the tv

My cat wanted to be let outside

When your newly painted door starts to peel the next day.

Our kids’ toilet was perpetually clogged. We just figured out why.

New bowls came in for my boyfriend’s mom

Went 1 mile over before resetting my trip odometer.

My dog found all the eggs.

Carrier dropped someone’s bag.

And cue 5 year old meltdown

Went to add a sprinkle of pepper right before putting my homemade mac and cheese in the oven. I didn’t notice I opened the wrong side of the pepper lid.

County is doing some road work and someone in charge figured parking the excavator on my front lawn would be just fine.

When you remember to put on deodorant, but only get halfway done before getting distracted and going off to work…

Finished breading my chicken only to then find bugs in my flour.

Heard a big bang out of nowhere. Ran down the stairs to find the kitchen like this

I’m a-okay, boss! /s

Need i say more

Grabbed my keys out of my jeans to be met with a surprise

Figure this belongs here. Thanksgiving a couple years back I made green bean casserole from scratch. Green beans took a while to trim/clean. Dropped on the way out the door right on the carpet.

I’m very strong

Who invented glass cutting boards anyways?

My friend sent me this, thought that this fit in here

My 3 yo daughter stuck a bead from a $2 St. Patrick’s Day bracelet in her ear. After a $1,400 trip to an ENT surgeon, we have this souvenir. (re-uploaded with info redacted)

FedEx delivery guy decided the “wet pavement” didn’t pertain to him.

Cat pulled my TV down onto the PS2

Yes, that is an entire trash bag of dirty cat litter that broke over my foot.

Toy boat lasted about 5 seconds before getting tangled in weeds

Zack Snyders cut of the justice league is so cinematic i can only use half of my monitor to watch it

Always remember to collapse your patio umbrella

Finished sorting my cards! And then I fell…

I didn’t feel like changing for P.E, life lesson learned: Never do yoga in jeans + if you do, have a pair of tights under

My yolk broke as soon as it landed…

When Size 16 just won’t do the trick anymore…

What a fun way to start the day

Forgot why I stopped playing HyperLight Drifter until I realized I was one short of completing this 800 dash challenge

My cat chewed my good cord in half. Fml

Wife and I just got our stimulus checks… Sigh.

Went to put up my new garland……. Happy Aester!!!

My shoe decided to cut my run short.

guess i’m not the only one who ordered chipotle tonight.

I may have used the wrong pallet truck when taking our delivery today.

I just dropped my bong 20 minutes before work

I had to get OC sprayed for a military training today. It’s the worst pain I have ever felt.

Posted by my aunt on Facebook. Thought it belonged here

Got home from work and looked in my new neighbors driveway

Got all the way down to my bedroom with a bowl of ketchup and opened the last door and dropped it

Unknown Neighbor parked in neutral, car rolled then hit a fence and stopped in the middle

My souls of my shoes literally crumbled at work today.

Someone knocked over all of the dominos bikes

The spline drive socket I need to tighten and loosen my lug nuts broke

Received: 3/13/21. Washed and dried: 3/17/21. Fastest $205 I’ve ever lost.

Changing an outdoor light fixture.

The 26″ wipers I need for my Accord is the only size that’s sold out.

Was using bleach and the bottle fell, burst abd got into my eye. Might have permanent damage.

Right as I finished cleaning the letters of my name, the M fell and broke in half

I just got to work and…

My key fell out of my key

To try an illegal u-turn on the highway.

My neighbor is doing some laundry…

My PCs power button is broken, and it doesnt want to shut down.

Just stepped on a nail. Thankfully, shouldn’t need a tetanus shot. My last one was the day after this past Christmas when I sliced a couple of my fingers with a box cutter.

The other night I ordered Chinese food and my fortune cookie contained an ad instead of a fortune.

My key split in the middle

Sitting here for over an hour waiting to be Interviewed

Long day at work and was getting out of my shower when the glass door shattered on me.

I smashed my finger with a shovel yesterday and I might lose the nail

Well well

So… my worst nightmare happened today, a spider fell into my ear while i was sleeping.

Tom Petty – tree fallin’

Finally decided to break in my new blender that I got after my last one exploded. It fell off the top of the fridge and shattered, taking my ankle out in the process.

I spent an hour cooking this spaghetti squash only to find out it was full of white mold inside.

Maybe if your hands were dry then, never mind.

Put the pencil sharpener too close to the corner. I didn’t think about long new pencils.

Excited to make bean and plantain tacos. Open two cans and find a total of five beans.

Saw others posting about their allergies. Welcome to the life of people who are allergic to everything.

Someone is happy though

My best calligraphy up to now is misspelled

Employee bathroom

I just wanted cookies

True Dog days. Dog peed on two sweaters, wrecked my favorite headphones, I broke a wax warmer, and my dog bit my finger so hard it bled a lot. What next?

Pregnant wife wanted olives. Story in comments.

Bought $30 worth of truffles then got stuck in stand still traffic for 30 minutes.

Most delicious cake my MIL ever made. Puspus liked the whiped cream.

I just wanted to propagate an avocado seed

Went to open my drink, and the tab peeled clean off without cracking the seal…

Is this enough to get a new number ?

I just finished cleaning my room.

No, I do not “like” what I see.

Welp, fell through a customer’s ceiling this morning

The elevator in my building (build in ‘65) just stopped, it’s big enough for 1,5 people. I did managed to stay calm and escape the claustrophobic prison. Old extinguisher just for holding the door open.

welp kids. forgot to roll up my window before a blizzard

Wore new heels to a job interview, limped out

Splashed superglue into eyeball

No olive oil for me, then.

When you have bad internet…

NOLA McDonalds slinging that beefy goodness at 2 AM…

Pothole on the freeway 🙁

When people ask me why I don’t let my nails grow out *just a little*

Bought a lock and well, cant unlock it

Parked under the wrong tree today….

Guess who grated their fingers on a cheese grater.

This was a few years ago when I got my dermal implant removed, it’s also when I found out I am allergic to adhesive.

I tried to pull off a bit of dry skin…

From sailboat to U-boat.

For Sale!! 2001 Honda Civic, great condition (I hope)

Stepped out to put the roast in the oven. Came back and my two-year-old handed me this. Should not have left my purse in the living room.

Always remember to chock!

Tried to hang up some clothes….

Sacrifices were made to the carwash gods.

Saw this during my run.

forgot that I’ve put my yoghurt inside my pocket

Noticed mold on my turnovers after taking a bite


After 3 consecutive hours of cleaning and moving furniture this happens

Blew my lawn mower running over this large piece of metal which was buried with a little bit sticking out.

The previous installer laid on top of the existing floor. Now we have to tear up two layers of tile which will set us back another day or so.

I just wanted to play Ark… this is one of at least 3 updates.

Cat jumped over the side table and left a little garnish in my smoothie

Wendy’s doing the rare chicken sandwich since at least May 2019

sweet bbq sandwich

Well.. My car exploded today..

My friend bowled a 299

Having been eagerly waiting for my tomatoes to grow

Not to jump on the bandwagon or anything, raw chicken sandwich from Wendy’s

A crayon found its way in to my dress shirt laundry…

Unplugged my sons phone charger and noticed the prongs and wall plate were hot. It’s a little crispy.

Poor guy

Yum Yum

[OC] My friend tried to dry a down pillow.

our wine and crystal cabinet decided to fall after 20+ years. so much for the new rug 🙂

The bolt on my car’s negative battery terminal broke off

My delicious chicken sandwich from Wendy’s

Anyone know a good magnet guy?

My uncle tried to charge his ebike

5 second rule

Gave myself a surprise piercing at work. Missed everything vital which is a plus

Just got my allergy test. I’m allergic to every plant and animal in the state of Utah.

I thought I’d try Wendy’s new Spicy “Jalapeño” Chicken Sandwich

i hope he’s out there somewhere

At least I missed my foot, mostly.

When you get hone and discover your mom washed your waifu pillow

I think they’re still serviceable?

First day wearing my 2 day old Ear Buds+ while cleaning the kitchen. Popped out and fell into the running disposal. Fml.

My pasta melted through my strainer, plunging my lunch into the depths of my dirty sink.

Pls put the shoes back when you try them on

Coin got stuck between some part of coin slot and case around it…

2’ of Snowmageddon and my shovel broke on the 2nd pass.

I’ve been growing this plant for five years, it’s about to flower for a week and after that it dies. Guess who isn’t going to be here for the next 2 weeks…

My car after a 24″ (61cm) snowstorm in Denver…

I guess I’m not having macaroni for dinner.

My office has sanitizing stations with disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer. I had something on my shoe and grabbed what I thought was wipe without bleach. It wasn’t.

Fell off my bed earlier, just now opened it…need this for school.

My dog chewed up a $20 bill

Brand new Jeep truck.

Cleaned out the attic and discovered rats had eaten my 81 Dodgers baseball. Fernando, LaSorda, Stewart, Sax, Koufax… Damn.

Planted sunflowers without considering the direction of the sunrise