Zephyr now stops when hitting surfaces with Tail Wind, meaning you won’t be stuck in the animation when hitting walls and cielings anymore, making her finally viable in tight spaces. Credit where credit is due: this was the best rework they could ever give her. from Warframe
I created a new lich today, but her voice lines are different from Warframe
A little sad we can’t exit corpus railjack ships through the garbage disposal from Warframe
I know I’m a bit late, but what happened with Misery’s old voice? from Warframe
The game freezes every time I want to change weapons, any help? from Warframe
I had an infinite ammo/no reload bug on an unmoded weapon (I was farming MR) and it lasted for the whole mission. Never heard of it before, is this a known bug or something ? from Warframe
Seems like Phoenix Blaze can be kept active wherever you go, plus that Raksa good bois can completely offset the shield drain cost for Hildryn. from Warframe
New Zephyr + Fulmin vs 20 Corrupted Heavy Gunners. Electricity is very strong on her. from Warframe
Good to see that the hand shadow puppets lady managed to stick around with the revamped Railjack, still doing what she do best. from Warframe
New Zephyr + Synapse (With Riven) vs 17 Lvl 130 Heavy Gunners from Warframe
one last mission from Warframe