
[OC] Inspired by recent posts – How far can you travel via public transport in X minutes, in London or LA.

[OC] A structural evaluation of the sci-fi web-series, Telemetry: Arc 1, Act 1

The Top 1000 Posts on r/dataisbeautiful [OC]

[OC] World Vaccinations as of March 20, 2021 (Remixed, with more details)

[OC]Finding the Most Obscure US Governor: Brad Little of Idaho Holds the Distinction of having the Least Viewed Wikipedia page. Andrew Cuomo of New York has the Most Viewed

Map of the world where countries are shown the correct size and shape, with worlds 30 largest countries are charted [OC]

[OC] Interaction Intensity in Lord Of The Rings

[OC] NCAA March Madness First Round Margins of Victory

[OC] All the deaths in Italy from March 2020 (when the pandemic started) to December 2020 vs average from 2015-2019 in the same months, to show the difference with covid-19

Impact of COVID-19 and Vaccination Coverage by Race/Ethnicity group in the US. [OC]

[OC] TSA checkpoint travel numbers 2021, 2020, 2021 (current versus prior same weekday)

[OC] UK’s Covid-19 Vaccination Programme To Date

[OC] Minutes spent eating & drinking daily: US, UK and southern europe.

[OC] Comparison of major meme subbredits (https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=r%2FMemes,r%2FFunny,r%2FDankMemes,r%2FMeme)

[OC] Covid vaccinations administered versus total population of European countries, ranked by ratio of vaccines to population

[OC] It’s my first graph, Top 5 Nations by amount of dogs.

How often does MrBeast humble brag about his wealth? [OC]

Mass Shooting Victims per Year in the United States [OC]

[OC]Finding the Most Obscure US Senator: Ranking Every US Senator Wikipedia Articles by Page Views reveals South Dakota Republican Senator Mike Rounds as the least viewed

Furthest distance ran, cycled swum (and many others) in 24 hours, shown in comparison to the length of the British Isles [OC]

[OC] I simulated Dream’s 6 luckiest streams 10 million times. Red dot indicates Dream’s result. (code and explanation in comments)

World Vaccinations as of March 19, 2021 [OC]

What if the Roman and Mongol empires existed at the same time? [OC]

[OC]Average Daily Page Views of New York Congressional Representatives Wikipedia Articles

Off the shelf parts for a 1x 2x and 3x gearsets for road bicycles. [OC]

[OC] The Top 5 TV Shows As Rated By Women (on IMDB)

[OC] I created a chart of the first 100 elements, displaying the temperature ranges for solid, liquid and gaseous. Then I sorted it by “solid”.

[OC] How Major Stock Indexes for Different Countries are Recovering Since COVID-19 Became a Pandemic (prices relative to 1 month before COVID became a thing)

Comparison of Sunrise/Sunset Times in U.S. with and without Daylight Saving Time – Weighted by Popultion [OC]

[OC] How much does a new President’s wiki page get edited? # of edits to Biden, Trump, and Obama’s articles in the first 50 days of their presidencies

[OC] Frequency of birthdays as a percentage compared to the average

While playing Overwatch I’ve been tracking the incidence of bad behavior and calculated a ‘salt score’ for every hero in the game (tanks are nice people) [OC]

The top nouns, verbs and adjectives in written English, showing their frequency over 10,000 words [OC]

Cost of NVIDIA Graphics Cards by Equivalent Stock Price (USD) [OC]

[OC] SNL Bubble Map of Guest Hosts by # of Appearances and Decades Hosted (3+ Hosts Only)

[OC] Comparing Height by Age of highest young basketball players with other NBA players and normal average

[OC] Correlations in Biblical Cross References

[OC] The Electoral Impacts of Gerrymandering Are Growing

The 40 words that make up 40% of words used in English, this shows their frequency on 2 pages of an average book [OC]

[OC] Minimum travel time from London by car

[OC] The ‘Productivity Gap’ in the U.S. Minimum Wage – Tracking the evolution of the minimum wage from 1938 – 2021

[OC] How much land is required to produce the world’s needed 3T watts of energy with single energy sources (TedEd)

[OC] Literacy rate of Asian countries

Percentage of USA population claiming Irish ancestry [OC]

[OC] Bicycles are one of the most efficent forms of transport

[OC] Eiffel 65’s “I’m Blue” Lyrics

Map of Kolkata made in R. I have seen these floating around being sold for like 25 USD print. So after going through 7 blogs and 5 tutorials, I could make this. [OC]

Average monthly global temperature between 1851 and 2020 (compared to average between 1850 and 1900) [OC]

[OC] Distribution of odds during an nba game

Created an account to post my first project. Where does The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC get all of its stuff? From just a few sources, it turns out. [OC]

[OC] Timeline of the ages of figures in early Genesis

Real Estate Investing visual [OC]

[OC] Percentage of Territories Covered by Forest and Exposure to Fine particulate matter (PM2.5)

[OC] Colors used in paintings

[OC] (6 Month Update) Google Sheet showing win percentage of champ pairs in League of Legends’ ARAM game mode, with a color gradient of red (0%) to yellow (50%) to dark green (100%). Currently plotting 4,806 out of 11,935 possible pairs (40.3%). Feel free to ask me about the process/results!

Is our Solar System weird? In the future the answer might be no. [OC]

US COVID Vaccination Progress as of Today [OC]

Visualizing the frequency of words that follow and break the “i before e, except after c” spelling rule [OC]

The Dance of the Cosmos [OC]

[OC] I made a Venn diagram of which civs were present in which Civilization games

Share of electric car registrations in Europe [OC]

Fewest countries with more than half the land, people and money [OC]

First Round Upsets in the NCAA Tournament [OC]

[OC] Israel is reaching 50% of its population to recieve 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. here’s a summery of the last year.

[OC] Feeding My Eating Disorder

[OC] My….interesting poop calendar

How I’ve Spent the Last 6 Months [OC]

What happens when you focus all your efforts into improving your cardio fitness (started training Jan 2021). Data driven training! [OC]

[OC] United States of Venom: Number of Species of Venomous Land Animal in Each State

[OC] 13 years of my dating history as a straight woman (ages 19 to 32) in a large American city

[OC] Count of top listing comments from /rCryptoCurrencies containing bitcoin

Visualized the emotion dynamics for 5 of my friends [OC]

Datetime-seeded trajectory (“MARCH”) [OC]

[OC] 563 career goals of Zlatan Ibrahimovic

[OC] EV Owners tend to have more children as compared to Non-EV Owners

I’ve seen several of these for job searches, I thought I’d make one as a hiring manager. My process trying to hire 10 people at a mid sized nonprofit. More info in comments. [OC]

Participation of Women Athletes in Summer vs Winter Olympics [OC]

[OC] How long it takes US Foreign Service Institute (FSI) students to learn European languages (see comments)

Change the nappy hourly… a year of nappy changes. [OC] data self-collected using Baby Tracker and analysed in Excel. Visualisation made using Datawrapper

90% over MSRP: How much are gamers paying for the PS5, XBOX Series X and the RTX 3080? [OC]

I upgraded my open-source tool to visualize WhatsApp chats! Here is the result of the chat history with my girlfriend! [OC]

[OC] I logged the temperature data from my Raspberry Pi running Pi-hole for the last ~7 months using Python (with a cronjob) and Excel.

[OC] I stopped smoking in September 2020 and started doing push ups instead

A year of personal alcohol consumption tracked and visualised [OC]

[OC] In honor of today’s Oscar nominations, here’s something I put together last year after watching all nominees across all categories

[OC] ‘OOTD’ Is Becoming An Out Of Style Phrase

[OC] I’ve been tracking my total, muscle, and fat weight (almost) daily since 2013 (almost 2,000 days logged).

[OC] Hungarian cities are one of the worst offenders in Europe regarding Zipf’s law – unless we use pre-1920 borders

Roads, railways, waterways and buildings of Turku, Finland [OC]

Temperature compared to normal for each country of the world 1890 to 2020 [OC]

[OC] ‘The Office’ (US) writers by # of episodes & % of episodes they wrote with above-average IMDB episode ratings (average ‘The Office’ episode rating = 8.25)

[OC] Who has the largest combined social media following across major platforms?

[OC] I tracked my Final Fantasy XIV static’s TEA Prog to Clear. This was the result. (Full doc in comments)

What the Kids are Saying: Slang Usage in Music Subreddits [OC]

[OC] The “cubic model” for the COVID-19 pandemic (from the WH council of economic advisors, in May 2020), compared to data from 1 year of deaths.

[OC] NYS COVID Cases Logarithmic Forecast

In May of 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz bought two Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins. What if he were to buy 10,000 bitcoins worth of pizzas today? [OC]

Starlink order vs pre-order coverage in lower UK [OC]

[oc] Solo Singing times in We Are the World (1985)

[OC] A representation of one way of following William Paterson’s plan at the Constitutional Convention (1787) to divide the United States into 13 states of equal population

[OC] 1% now fully vaccinated — Worldwide Covid vaccination progress, visualised.

Km of expressway/motorway in countries [OC]

[OC] US Federal Minimum Wage Actual vs. Inflation Adjusted 1968-2019

[OC] Causes of Financial Loss in the USA, 2011

[OC] There is a pattern to Malaysia’s top-flight football/soccer matches this season

[OC] Contribution increase to Mozilla Common Voice Project after one Reddit post

Countries of the world correctly sized compared to each other and shown as they would appear from space [OC]

[OC] Foster kittens growing ❤

Grammy Award for Album of the Year: Billboard 200 and Metascore Performance over Past 20 Years [OC]

[OC] Contribution spike to Mozilla Common Voice Project after one Reddit post

[OC] Top 20 Netflix shows while Covid-19 kept us home (2020)

[OC] Most Watched U.S. TV Sitcom Finales of All-Time (& IMDB User Ratings)

Remix of “It’s my birthday! What are the most common birthdays in the United States?” Visualizing Date of (Hypothetical) Conception vs. DOB [OC]

[OC] Color Barcodes for 4 iconic Simpsons episodes. each line is the average color of one frame.

[OC] How the Pandemic Disrupted America’s Practice of Faith on Mobile

[OC] Impact of covid-led shopping frenzy on grocery exactly one year ago

[OC] People Are Getting Married Later And Later In Life

Framed an earthquake record (seismogram) for my office [OC]

[OC] Predominant language spoken in Singaporean households in 2010, according to type of dwelling.

Which VTuber Agency is the Biggest (Data: 2020-03-12) [OC]

[OC] Linguistic Inequality in the World

Average land temperature around the globe in January 2021! [OC]

[OC] Geological Maps of the Kanto-Koshinetsu in Japan (Tokyo and Mt. Fuji), Multiple Years

[OC] 570 Executed death row inmates in the state of Texas

[OC] Frequency of National Weather Service Alerts by County

[OC] Total COVID-19 Infection Rates Per Capita for U.S. States — as of 03/11/21

[OC] The color of the number 5 according to r/AskReddit.

Europe’s youngest and oldest areas. Map showing the NUTS 3 regions with the highest share of people over the age of 65 or under 35. [OC]

[OC] Effectiveness of an early ban on curbing exponential growth of ‘superstraight’, a transphobia-promoting straight acceptance hate movement

Terry Pratchett died 6 years ago today here are his discworld books in publishing order [OC]

[OC] racial diversity vs. segregation for U.S. metro areas with at least 500k residents

[OC] Likelihood of getting jury duty in California in any given year

[OC] Genres of the Top 400 Albums of all Time

ShinyR app that shows you the public transport radius of any village/city in Switzerland (link in comments). [OC]

Energy Impact on Domestic Energy from Cryptomining Rig (Starting Late Feb 2021) [OC] Source: Utility Dashboard

[OC] Data is Beautiful Mods Active Time

[OC] IMDB ratings for the tv show : psych

[OC] Word cloud of YouTube titles | Tech Talks by Technical Guruji

[OC] Amount of U.S. legislation signed into law over 25 years

[OC] [OC] It’s here: a median chocolate chip cookie recipe… with nuts, ok? Based on 200+ recipes. Nestle Toll House recipe included as reference. Preliminary test results (N = 1) yielded responses such as: “Not half bad.”

[OC] Deaths from all causes increased by more than 16% in 2020 in the United States, compared to an annual average of +1.4% in the previous four years.

[OC] Netflix has become increasingly adult-focused, with >50% of releases since 2017 being rated for adults

[OC] Population of US States and Canadian Provinces compared with the world

[OC] How are Civil Rights related to Minimum Wage?

[OC] Gender Pay Gap in Professional Sports.

Estimate of the number of COVID infections the vaccines are preventing in the US. [OC]

[OC] US Yield Curve, Yield Curve Spread, TIPS Spread, and Inferred Inflation

[OC] US males – 2020 drop in life expectancy at birth

[OC] RE: the Oprah Interview – Sentiment of Daily Mail articles on Meghan Markle vs Kate Middleton from Nov 2019 to present.

[OC] Benford’s Law found within word frequencies on reddit

[OC] Interactive web application to generate 3D maps (link in comments)

[OC] Paralympic Summer Sports

[OC]Florida lotto most repeated digits on Play 4.

[OC] What time zones on Earth would look like if people set the clocks so that sunrise never happens before 6:00 am local time.

[OC] Distribution of Vaccines by Covid-19 Impact on Country

Maps of the world with different sea and lake levels [OC]

[OC] The time of the earliest winter sunset in each county in the United States

[OC] For many heavily affected countries 2020 drops in life expectancy are more than 1 year. Is this a lot? YES – this magnitude of drop was not seen since WWII. Here is an illustration using HMD data for males and 2020 estimates from doi:10/gh77rk. Blue corridor is +-1 year

[OC] Analysis of listings by category on the current largest active Darknet Marketplace, 2021 [3000×6000]

The articles stating that for US “In 24 hours, 749 people died from the coronavirus, far below the peak of 4,473 deaths recorded on January 12.” is IMHO an awful example of cherry picking where they could still tell a similar story without it. Not sure the slight discrepancy in some values. [OC]

[OC] For International Women’s Day, here are the countries with the highest proportion of women in government around the world as of 2020 (and the increase in representation since 1997)

Visualization of a report I wrote on biometric security a few years ago and how much each word occurs. [OC]

[OC] International Women’s Day: A look at which film genres pass the Bechdel test – a measure of the representation of women in film.

[OC]Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution

[OC] Word Frequency of 400 top-level comments (~18k words) from r/AskReddit “How Did You Lose Weight” March 8th, 2021

[OC] Map showing active community-testing of the Helium Public Wireless Network

[OC] What does 1 month of data from a PVP game look like?

[OC] 20-year returns on 4 major index funds

Average Expected Retirement Length for Men and Women in European Countries [OC]

[OC] An update to the travel heatmap I did a year ago.